Lunes 22/7: Charlas y eventos

12:00 a 12:40: Conferencia inaugural de la ECI
"Introducción a Huayra Linux, el sistema operativo libre de Conectar Igualdad" - Javier Castrillo, Coordinador General del proyecto Huayra Linux.



16:00 a 17:00: Google Cultural Institute - La perspectiva de un ingeniero
Luis Sigal - Google

El Google Cultural Institute tiene como misión crear, promover y preservar la cultura online: traza un puente entre dos realidades y cosmovisiones distintas, preservando el pasado y difundiendolo hacia el futuro. En esta charla vamos a cubrir cómo se originó el proyecto y de qué se compone, desde desde la perspectiva de un ingeniero y cubriendo áreas que normalmente no ve el usuario común.



17:00 a 18:00: The story of SAT solvers and what it means for software development
Marc Thurley - Oracle

SAT solvers are algorithms that solve the prototypical NP-complete propositional satisfiability problem. Traditionally, this problem was considered too difficult to be of any practical value - in part due to a lack of fast SAT solvers. This changed completely over a decade ago, when several new techniques were introduced which hugely increased the efficiency of these solvers and lead to the development of what is now know as "modern" SAT solving. This spurred many practical applications that would not have been thought possible only a few years earlier, covering topics such as hardware verification, AI planning, bioinformatics, and more recently even software testing. In this talk, we will learn about the most important ideas that are responsible for the success of these solvers, and the theoretical implications of this success. We will also discuss the applications of these solvers, with a special focus on those which impact software development.



18:00 a 19:00: From Raw to Mobile Input Devices
Christian Smirnoff - Baufest

La charla busca mostrar las diferencias entre la interacción tradicional con una PC y los métodos de entrada modernos provistos por dispositivos móviles tales como smartphones y tablets. Se plantea la posibilidad de llevar esas capacidades a la interacción con aplicaciones de escritorio. Se mostrará un SDK que se implementó con ese fin, permitiendo el desarrollo de aplicaciones de escritorio que utilicen las características de un dispositivo móvil de manera rápida y sencilla.